anachronauts update

28 07 2011

First official anachronauts post. I’m going to have a category just for these updates… even though 99% of my content will be anachronauts related, at least at first, until Untitled Modern Horror Webnovel Series begins.

Normally, I update on Mondays and Thursdays, but lately have had to miss days due to all manner of RL hell being dumped over my head alongside technical difficulties. Sadly, today’s no different. If I rushed I could have something posted before midnight but I’d rather take my time and get you folks a decent update to read on Monday. I know my audience; they’d rather it be done right than screwy.

As always, your feedback will be welcome. The transition from LiveJournal to WordPress doesn’t change anything — you can still post anonymously, you can post using Facebook, you can post using all manner of credentials. If you’ve got any suggestions for how to improve the process given the limits of, I’m all ears, too. I’m new at using and no doubt there are tricks and tips I can deploy to make your experience a smoother one.

So, for this weekend, brush the dog, have some tea, watch the EVO 2011 fighting game tournaments, and let’s reconvene on Monday as the House of Gears has a pow-wow with Benny the Broker.

dust it off, dress it up, make it nice

28 07 2011

Welcome to my new blog. It’ll be replacing my old LiveJournal as the means through which I publicize my writing. We’re still tuning things up, but a few features are in play.

So! Let me show you around the place.

As you see, I have a number of story pages in this blog, devoted to my individual major writing projects. Each one introduces the story project and links you off to more information about it. I’ll be adding new pages for each new project beyond my current one, anachronauts. Should make it easier for new folks to get into things.

Also, I’ve aliased to I’m hoping to flat out replace one with the other in the near future. The goal is for both to work fine to access the same pages, so no links break.

So, what’s changed, blogwise? For over a decade I’d been using LiveJournal. It was a decent blogging setup, and had a good community, but the amount of crashes and failures it’s enduring convinced me that it’s finally time to migrate away. Still, I’m going to be crossposting links to new blog posts into my LJ, so folks who really wanna keep following me there will be able to. I’m also trying to import my LJ posts into here as a legacy archive, but having no luck yet due to the DDOSes. Maybe later.

Thanks for coming along with me on this new leg of my journey. Hope you have a good time here.