
7 09 2008

So. 7Seas.

Didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. A number of issues popped up after the initially appealing launch… boards STILL not performing very well, this time clearly due to SL being a slow-ass pile of weak coding. And of course, the blame falls on our doorstep because people’s mega-contests suffer from lag. Then people have trouble loading bait, but of course it’s not ALL people, and it’s not even all old bait, it’s just totally random. And then there’s the guy who says he burned up 800 casts worth of bait in two hours when none of my beta testers in the entire span they were fishing had anything similar happen. Oh, and let’s not forget the drunken fisher who somehow got two rods going at the same time despite anti-doublefishing code being in place for ages and not even touched in this latest version… and when he tried to replicate it, it seemed to be nice and secure, with no explanation as to how he managed it.

Let’s add on top of that being stuck at home with a hurricane bearing down on you and multiple countermeasures in place in case the power goes out, so there’s a nice sense of encroaching doom. Let’s also add nothing to watch except that Jericho DVD I rented because I heard the series was kinda good, and of COURSE it opens up with nuclear fallout rainstorms threatening slow poison death to all the characters. And let’s top it off with a second attempt to consume some media to cheer me up, and I for some reason pick Dead Like Me, which is another thing I’d kinda heard was good but wasn’t quite ready for the bleak, depressing worldview it presented.

I’m going to bed. I still expect the world to be as out of control, random, and inexplicably wrong as it was today, but at least I’ll be marginally well rested and have a fresh pair of shorts on.